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The Canadian HIV Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS) was a community-based research study run between 2010 and 2018. It was created by, with, and for women living with HIV across Canada. While the study has ended, its legacy lives on.

CHIWOS was committed to creating new knowledge that would be used to support women living with HIV in Canada to achieve optimal health and well-being.

At the National Workshop Series in 2021, we asked the CHIWOS team..

When you hear "CHIWOS", what do you think of?

This is what they said...

When I hear CHIWOS I think of FAMILY.

- CHIWOS Team Member

Throughout survey administration, CHIWOS participants also shared their thoughts about the study:

I love this survey. I feel very confident that these questions have meaning. I feel so connected, like  I belong here. 

- CHIWOS Participant

Land Acknowledgement


We respectfully acknowledge that the CHIWOS study was carried out all across the lands we now call Canada, which is home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We are grateful to have the opportunity to work, learn, and connect with one another on these lands.


To learn more about CHIWOS work led by Indigenous community members, scholars and researchers, click here.  


McGill University Health Centre Logo
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Logo
Women's College Hospital Research Institute Logo
British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Logo
BC Women's Hospital Health Centre Logo
Providence Health Care Logo
Simon Fraser University Logo

Canadian HIV Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study

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